Retrain The Dyslexic Brain

Dyslexia Discovery Day

Has your child been struggling with reading or spelling? Do they have a hard time following directions or processing and understanding what is being said? Or maybe it's your Mother's intuition, and you want to know if your child is really struggling with dyslexia or not... 


The peace of mind you're looking for is here. Screen your child right in your own home during our signature Dyslexia Discovery Day. Sign up to be notified when our next workshop will be!

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Be the first to know when our next Dyslexia Discovery Day will be.

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What is included?

WRAT Spelling Assessment & Results

Test your child's ability to spell compared to their peers.

WRAT Reading Assessment & Results

Test your child's ability to read compared to their peers.

Phonological Awareness Assessment & Results

Understand how your child is hearing and processing language.


At the end of the day, we all have a choice. We can either be frustrated with how long the school takes to address your concerns or how time-consuming and expensive getting an official diagnosis can be, OR we can take control and get the answers ourselves.

If you've had a sneaking suspicion that your child is struggling with Dyslexia, it's time to get the answers you've been searching for during our screening event. Dyslexia Discovery Day provides you with the three critical screening assessments to understand where your child falls on norm-referenced tests. 

We will be limiting this event to only a few students who need to be screened to ensure that our team can process results within one week or get your money back! Sign up now to be on the waitlist for our next event. 

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Be the first to know when our next Dyslexia Discovery Day will be.

Meet Dr. Rebecca Troy

Dyslexia & Neuroscience Coach

 Dr. Rebecca Troy brings over a decade of educational neuroscience and the best of dyslexia treatments right to your dining room table. 


As a mother of two herself, Dr. Troy knows that setting your children up for success is some of life's most important work.  She is a tenacious mama-bear with a doctorate in education, a researcher and interventionist in neuroscience and reading disability, and a Nationally Board Certified teacher in early and middle literacy.

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Be the first to know when our next Dyslexia Discovery Day will be.

All The Tools You Need To Understand Your Child's Dyslexia


❌ Stop waiting for the school to recognize the issue or start help 

❌ Don't overpay for an official diagnosis with no next steps for your child

❌ Don't lose any more sleep laying awake worried about how to help your child 


We want to help give you the peace of mind you deserve when it comes to understanding your child's ability to spell, read, and hear language properly. Our goal is to give you an accurate picture of where your child's abilities are in comparison to their peers and provide you with an action plan on what to do next. 


Once your assessments have been submitted, you will receive: 

✅ Norm-referenced results from 3 critical dyslexia assessments

✅ Personalized guidance on what support to ask for at school 

✅ An action plan on how you can support your child at school and at home

or your money back!

Join The Waitlist

Be the first to know when our next Dyslexia Discovery Day will be.